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Education and Support


Support, education, & resources during and after pregnancy.

Pregnancy Care Center is here for YOU during your journey through pregnancy and early parenthood. Through our Pathways program we offer practical support., providing educational opportunities that address pregnancy information and life skills. As you prepare for parenthood we help equip you to succeed. 

The mission of Pathways is to prepare and equip expecting women and men during pregnancy and to make healthy decisions for themselves and their families.  If you are pregnant and would like support,  email our Pathways Coordinator or call our office today at (541) 479-6264.


Care after abortion.

Pregnancy Care Center offers support to women (and men) who have experienced a previous abortion. We provide an opportunity to receive help in a confidential, group setting, led by a woman (or man in groups for men) who has also had an abortion experience. If you have any regrets about your decision, and would like to find hope in the midst of your struggles, we are here to help. Please give us a call.


Abstinence encouragement.

Epic is a sexual health program promoting abstinence to both middle and high school students. The mission of Epic is to empower students to use decision-making strategies to make healthy choices about sex, relationships and abstinence. The program includes school presentations that encourage healthy sexual decisions, and is entirely funded through Pregnancy Care Center and offered to the schools at no cost.

Community Referrals

Practical help from our community.

The Pregnancy Care Center partners with many outside community organizations to provide a wide range of services for women experiencing unintended pregnancies.  We regularly refer patients to our local physicians or other organizations for further assistance as needed; however, we do not provide birth control or abortion services.

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